Tag: time management
Why you need to take breaks
We all know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Interestingly, it also makes Jack generally bad at his work – or studies if he is a student. A number of articles have been written about how the pandemic and Work-from-home has made many of us into 24/7 employees. But what…
Become the architect of your own life
The title for today’s blog post comes from a line in the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. He is speaking about the powerful effect that environment has on behaviour. In fact, Clear argues that environment is often a better predictor of behaviour than motivation. (page 86) If that is indeed the case, how do…
Opportunity Cost and the Finitude of Each day
A few days ago I read an excellent article titled “Hundreds of ways to get (stuff) done and we still don’t” by Clive Thompson on Wired. I may have censored the title a bit. 😛 Thompson talks about the huge number of apps that exist today to enable us to manage our tasks. And yet,…
Parkinson’s Law and some strategies to deal with it
Writing a blog post a day has not been easy and I have technically already failed (since it is past 12). And so this is just a continuation of a post from two days ago where I spoke about how I submitted assignments on time for the first time. Parkinson’s Law is essentially a theory…