
I am a Middle school teacher from Bangalore, India. I love reading and sharing what I learn with people around me. My main topic of interest currently is how faith interacts with the culture around us. But I also write random other articles on whatever I get interested about.

I’m very glad to have you here! On this site, you can find all my blog posts. Do feel free to connect with me. You could write to me at jeyapaul.caleb@gmail.com.

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Being Indian and Christian

Being Indian and Christian is my weekly email newsletter in which I try to understand the world (popular culture or news and events from India or around the world) from a Christian worldview. If that’s something you’re interested in, I’d be honoured if you signed up!

Being Indian and Christian is also now a page on Instagram. Follow the page to get bite-sized snippets of the articles that are posted here.

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